Tuesday 4 October 2022

Children with phones

Hi boys and girls !! Today we are going to read an article and talk about "What do you think about children today having mobile phones?" You can read this article at home and listen to it, as many times as you want, if you need. After that you could record a video with "Screen Cast O matic" giving your own opinion for sharing it in class. Then we will make a debate talking about this topic.

Children with phones

Ruth: So Akane, what do you think about children today having mobile phones?

Akane: Mobile phones? Well, I mean, I think they could be a good thing, I mean for safety reasons.

Ruth: Really?

Akane: Yes if I was a parent I think I would feel safer knowing that my child had a mobile phone and I could get in touch with them whenever I need to, and if something happens, like an emergency, then they will be able to use the mobile phone.

Ruth: You see I would argue that they’re quite dangerous actually, because children don’t really have the best attention spans anyway, and often they could, for example, walk into the road whilst they were talking on their mobile phone and generally not pay attention, so I don’t think they’re very safe.

Akane: Well that’s a good point, but that could also teach them responsibility as well. If mobile phones are unsafe, I mean bicycles could be unsafe and toys could be unsafe, but that’s all part of growing up, and I think that if you teach them responsibility, it shouldn’t be a big problem.

Ruth: But I think fewer children these days play on bikes than they used to; I think children are more dependent upon technology, and I see that as a definite negative thing because children don’t play out as they used to before. They just stay in and watch TV and play on computer games.

Akane: True, true. I suppose so, but you know technology is a necessity in our lives, and in the future if we want them to become competent in using technology and taking advantage of technology, then I think it would be a good way to start.

Ruth: Don’t you think they are really expensive though? I mean, don’t…

Akane: Oh yeah, they are.

Ruth: If I was a parent though I would not want my child to be phoning people left, right and centre because it would cost so much money.

Akane: Well you could be right about that. They do cost a lot of money.

Ruth: Oh, I’m glad you agree. Well, yeah, like at least we agree about something now.

Akane: For sure.

My English Town

Good afternoon, today we are going to listen a podcast from Katie who talks about her hometown in England. Please, listen it at home as many times as you need. Remember you could also listen it at a lower speed if you need. Pay attention and go ahead !!

If you don't understand something during the listening activity, don't be afraid, here you have the listening and the full script to review it. Keep calm and carry on !! Next session, we will do a Kahoot to review what we have learnt.     

My English Town - Script

Twice Upon a Time Cinderella

Hello kids !! In this activity we are going to rewrite Cinderella's Story and you can change all the the things you can imagine. Maybe in the new story she doesn't want to be married with the princep... Fell free to rewrite everything you want, we are going to share it in Google Docs to create, all togegher, a really fantastic new story !!

Cinderella – Beautiful Girl

Once upon a time, there was a beautiful girl named Cinderella. She lived with her wicked stepmother and two stepsisters. They treated Cinderella very badly. One day, they were invited for a grand ball in the king’s palace. But Cinderella’s stepmother would not let her go. Cinderella was made to sew new party gowns for her stepmother and stepsisters, and curl their hair. They then went to the ball, leaving Cinderella alone at home.

Cinderella felt very sad and began to cry. Suddenly, a fairy godmother appeared and said, “Don’t cry, Cinderella! I will send you to the ball!” But Cinderella was sad. She said, “I don’t have a gown to wear for the ball!” The fairy godmother waved her magic wand and changed Cinderella’s old clothes into a beautiful new gown! The fairy godmother then touched Cinderella’s feet with the magic wand. And lo! She had beautiful glass slippers! “How will I go to the grand ball?” asked Cinderella. The fairy godmother found six mice playing near a pumpkin, in the kitchen. She touched them with her magic wand and the mice became four shiny black horses and two coachmen and the pumpkin turned into a golden coach. Cinderella was overjoyed and set off for the ball in the coach drawn by the six black horses. Before leaving. the fairy godmother said, “Cinderella, this magic will only last until midnight! You must reach home by then!”

When Cinderella entered the palace, everybody was struck by her beauty. Nobody, not even Cinderella’s stepmother or stepsisters, knew who she really was in her pretty clothes and shoes. The handsome prince also saw her and fell in love with Cinderella. He went to her and asked, “Do you want to dance?” And Cinderella said, “Yes!” The prince danced with her all night and nobody recognized the beautiful dancer. Cinderella was so happy dancing with the prince that she almost forgot what the fairy godmother had said. At the last moment, Cinderella remembered her fairy godmother’s words and she rushed to go home. “Oh! I must go!” she cried and ran out of the palace. One of her glass slippers came off but Cinderella did not turn back for it. She reached home just as the clock struck twelve. Her coach turned back into a pumpkin, the horses into mice and her fine ball gown into rags. Her stepmother and stepsisters reached home shortly after that. They were talking about the beautiful lady who had been dancing with the prince.

The prince had fallen in love with Cinderella and wanted to find out who the beautiful girl was, but he did not even know her name. He found the glass slipper that had come off Cinderella’s foot as she ran home. The prince said, “I will find her. The lady whose foot fits this slipper will be the one I marry!” The next day, the prince and his servants took the glass slipper and went to all the houses in the kingdom. They wanted to find the lady whose feet would fit in the slipper. All the women in the kingdom tried the slipper but it would not fit any of them. Cinderella’s stepsisters also tried on the little glass slipper. They tried to squeeze their feet and push hard into the slipper, but the servant was afraid the slipper would break. Cinderella’s stepmother would not let her try the slipper on, but the prince saw her and said, “Let her also try on the slipper!” The slipper fit her perfectly. The prince recognized her from the ball. He married Cinderella and together they lived happily ever after.

Short Stories (2014). Cinderella - Beautiful girl. Retrieved from https://shortstoriesshort.com/story/cinderella-beautiful-girl/

Monday 3 October 2022

Get Ready To Celebrate Holi, India's Festival Of Colors!

Good morning. We are going to read the following article and practice our reading skills. After reading it we have to look for words we don't know the meaning, we will post it in "comments" to share our doubts with partners.  We can learn together giving an explanation of what a word means or a synonym of the word. Come on !!

                Holi will be celebrated on March 18, 2022 (Credit: Steven Gerner/CC-By-SA-2.0/Flickr)

Holi, the joyous festival of colors, is one of India's most anticipated events. Though a predominantly Hindu festival, it transcends all religious barriers and is observed by people of all faiths. The fun holiday's date is determined by the Hindu lunar calendar. It will be observed on March 18 this year.

While the festivities vary from state to state, they inevitably end with a friendly color "fight." People of all ages take to the streets to douse strangers and friends alike with colored powder and water. After the last speck of color has been thrown, the crowds head home for a quick rinse, a delicious feast, and a much-needed siesta!

There are many folklores associated with Holi. One of the most popular attributes it to Hiranyakashipu, the king of demons. According to the legend, the ruler was unhappy about his son Prahlada's devotion to Lord Vishnu. After all attempts to dissuade him failed, the king turned to his sister Holika for help.

The evil goddess, who had a shawl to protect her from fire, asked Prahlada to join her on a burning pyre. But as soon as the young boy stepped into the fire, Holika's protective garment flew from her shoulders and covered him, leaving the demon unprotected from the flames. Shortly after, Lord Vishnu appeared and killed the king. The locals celebrated the victory of good over evil with colorful powder, and a fun tradition was born. To this day, many Indians light a bonfire on the eve of Holi to cleanse the air of evil spirits.

In the north Indian state of Uttar Pradesh, Holi commemorates the love between the mischievous Hindu deity Lord Krishna and his beloved Radha. In Nandgaon, Krishna's birthplace, the festival is celebrated for an entire month. The highlight is Lathmar, or stick, Holi, which takes place a day before the main event. Legend has it that Lord Krishna and his friends went to the neighboring village of Barsana to tease Radha and her friends on this day, only to be chased away with sticks.

To reenact the event, the men from Nandgaon head to Barsana for a mock battle with the women on Lathmar Holi. The women "attack" the men with bamboo sticks, while the men protect themselves with shields and try to fight back with the only weapon available — colored powder! Those unfortunate enough to get captured by the feisty females are forced to dress in women's clothing and dance for their captors.

Regardless of the folklore believed, Holi is a festival of love and joy. On this day, people of all ages and cultures come together to have fun.

Dolasia, K. (2022, March 15). Get Ready To Celebrate Holi, India's Festival Of Colors!. Retrieved 2022, October 7, from https://www.dogonews.com/2022/3/15/get-ready-to-celebrate-holi-indias-festival-of-colors


Wellcome to English Time. This is a blog where we are going to learn English with exercises, activities, games, songs and videos to improve our language skills in a funny way. Let's go !!